Presentation Instructions
The organizer reserves the right to exclude the paper from distribution after the conference (e.g. removal from IET Digital Library) if the presenting author is absent.
Oral Presentation
- The official language is English.
- Each oral presentation is allocated a 15-minute time slot including Q&A. It is strongly recommended that presenters plan on a 12-minute presentation and leave 3 minutes for Q&A.
- All the presenters are required to use the computers/laptops provided by the organizer for presentation. If using a PowerPoint presentation, please save the file in USB and upload it to the conference computer/laptop in the meeting room. Our staff will assist you to save your file. We highly recommend you to bring a copy of your file as a backup.
- Please use standard font and the Windows Operating System only.
- Screen resolution of the PC in the session room is set to XGA (1024x768). Please set your presentation file at the same resolution.
- If your presentation contains linked audio or movie files, please save the files in the same folder.
- Please arrive in the session room no less than 15 minutes before the beginning of your session.
Poster Presentation
- The poster board in portrait format is reserved for each poster.
- Authors need to print out their posters in standard A0 size (841mm x 1189 mm) in advance.
- The presenting author is requested to present the work in front of the poster during the poster session
Assembling Date/Time
Poster A: 13:10-15:40, Oct. 25
Poster B: 08:30-09:00, Oct. 26
Presenting Date/Time
Poster A: 15:40-17:10, Oct. 25
Poster B: 09:00-10:30, Oct. 26
Removal Date/Time
Poster A: 17:10-17:30, Oct. 25
Poster B: 10:30-11:00, Oct. 26